5 Star-Florist-Presents-The-So-Beautiful-Bouquet-C3-5159.html

The So Beautiful Bouquet

They bring beauty to your life and it's time you showed your appreciation to them for every moment with this gorgeous flower arrangement. Designed with an eye for detail, this bouquet blossoms with burgundy gerbera daisies, pink Asiatic Lilies, pink spray roses, blue iris, lavender statice, and lavender monte casino asters, accented with seeded eucalyptus and lush greens while situated in a vine and moss planter to give it a fresh-from-the-garden appeal. A wonderful way to surprise and delight your recipient in honor of any of life's most treasured moments!

Make Someone’s Day 5 Star Florist is the Best florist to order a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers that are cheerfully arranged and delivered by a local florist.

*Due to seasonal availability some designs might be substituted.