5 Star-Florist-Presents-The-Classic-Beauty-Bouquet-C12-5160.html

The Classic Beauty Bouquet

Soft, feminine, and blooming with a flowering finesse at every turn, this gorgeous fresh flower arrangement has a classic elegance to it that simply never goes out of style. Pink Asiatic Lilies serve as a focal point to this flower bouquet surrounded by cream double lisianthus, pink carnations, white spray roses, pink statice, and pink roses, lovingly accented with fronds of Queen Anne's Lace, stems of baby blue eucalyptus, and lush greens. Presented in a classic clear glass vase, this gorgeous gift of flowers is arranged just for you to create a treasured moment in honor of your recipient's birthday, an anniversary, or to celebrate the birth of a new baby girl.

Make Someone’s Day 5 Star Florist is the Best florist to order a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers that are cheerfully arranged and delivered by a local florist.

*Due to seasonal availability some designs might be substituted.